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  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:CDQ小梦文库

  (1) describe the drawing briefly,CDQ小梦文库

  (2) explain its intended meaning, and thenCDQ小梦文库

  (3) state your point of view.CDQ小梦文库


  This is quite an extraordinary and meaningful picture. The old grandma, when alive, was fed poorly with a bowl of rice for every meal. In contrast, after her death, there is a memorial tablet set up for her, in front of which is a table of delicacies as tributes. Apparently, the grandma’s children merely want to show off how well they treat their mother while they were actually ingrates.CDQ小梦文库

  Ridiculous as it is, the phenomenon is not rare in today’s society. For one thing, enormous economic development brings not only wealth, but also the public obsession for material possessions, individual gain and loss which undermines the once sacred bond between parents and children. For another, people seem to be fond of boasting off how they abide by traditions through holding grand funerals for their parents. As a matter of fact, some even compete about the extravagance of the event.CDQ小梦文库

  I contend that those who practice as the picture reveals miss the essence and deep values of our traditions. Filial piety should not be expressed via superficial “performance”, but via children’s genuine care and love for their parents. Thinking about how parents have taken care of us when we were babies in cradles, we should realize that they all need due attention when aging.CDQ小梦文库






  memorial tablet: 牌位CDQ小梦文库

  delicacy: n. 山珍海味CDQ小梦文库

  tribute: n. 贡品CDQ小梦文库

  undermine: v. 破坏CDQ小梦文库

  sacred bond: 神圣的关系CDQ小梦文库

  show off, boast off: 炫耀,自夸CDQ小梦文库

  abide by: 遵守CDQ小梦文库

  grand: adj. 盛大的,豪华的CDQ小梦文库

  extravagance: n. 奢侈,铺张CDQ小梦文库

  essence: n. 本质CDQ小梦文库

  filial piety: n. 孝顺,孝道CDQ小梦文库

  genuine: adj. 真实的,真正的,诚恳的CDQ小梦文库


  This is quite an extraordinary and meaningful picture.CDQ小梦文库

  Ridiculous as it is, the phenomenon is not rare in today’s society.CDQ小梦文库

  I contend that…CDQ小梦文库

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